Bulbs for Naturalizing
One of the most appealing uses of spring-flowering bulbs is to plant them so that they look as though they had grown naturally. As in nature, the planting should be varied and scattered: here dense, there thin and dribbling out along the fringe. Most soils do not require special treatment for naturalizing bulbs; however, sites where water stands after a rain, should be avoided.
The following can persist for years and in many cases will increase their beauty, either by seed or by multiplying their bulbs. Only if colonies become too thick should they be lifted and divided.
IMPORTANT: If you want to naturalize bulbs in grass, you MUST allow the bulb foliage to yellow and collapse before you mow. If you cut too soon, you will prevent the bulbs from storing up the energy they need to flower the following spring. The grass will grow tall and the area will look a little rough after mowing, but the grass will quickly green up and fill in.